Analisis ameloblastoma unilokuler menggunakan radiograf cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) 3D sebagai penunjang diagnosis
Objectives: This purpose of this case report is to explain the imaging characteristics of unilocular ameloblastoma in CBCT 3D radiograph.Case Report: A 32-year-old male patient came to the dentist complaining his painful right lower jaw over the past few days. Clinical examination showed extensive swelling in the posterior region of the right mandible to cause asymmetry at the inferior border of the mandibular corpus. Panoramic radiography showed radiolucent area in periapical mesial root of 46 tooth, extending to the right angular mandibular with a clearly demarcated shape, and there was a root resorption of 47 tooth. CBCT 3D examination showed the presence of unilocular radiolucent lesion in a regular shape and a clear borderline, extending to the inferior border of the mandible and causing buccal-lingual cortical perforation accompanied with the resorption of adjacent 47 tooth.
Conclusion: CBCT is a supporting radiography that may act as a more accurate diagnostic tool for the diagnosis of unique ameloblastoma lesions.
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Chaudhry A, Manjunath M, Sridevi K, Gupta I, Tanward R. Extensive Type III Unicystic Ameloblastoma – A Case Report with Conservative Management. 2016;15 No.3(617):202-205.
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Citation: Dias LFT, Vian RLA, Nunes PM, Magalhaes HE, Carmo CSM, et al. Major Considerations on the Clinical, Epidemiological, Histopathological and Therapeutic Aspects of Ameloblastomas: A Systematic Review. Health Sci J 2019;Vol.13.No.3:655.
Supare R, Kumar RK, Sapkal R, Patel H. Cone Beam Computed Tomography ( CBCT ) As A Diagnostic Aid In A Case Of Unicystic Ameloblastoma : A Case Report. 2018;17(3):29-35. doi:10.9790/0853-1703142935
Farman alan G, ed. Panoramic Radiology. New York: Springer; 2007. doi:10.1308/135576108783328382
Whaites Eric ND. Essential of Dental Radiography and Radiology. 5th ed. Toronto; 2013.
Bhargava A, Soni S, Tyagi A. A Large Ameloblastoma of the Mandible : a Case Report. 2014;I(V):66-72.
Sarment D. Cone Beam Computed Tomography Oral and Maxillofacial Diagnosis and Applications.; 2014.
Chaudhry A, Manjunath M, Sridevi K, Gupta I, Tanward R. Extensive Type III Unicystic Ameloblastoma – A Case Report with Conservative Management. 2016;15 No.3(617):202-205.
Singer SR, Mupparapu M, Philipone E. Cone beam computed tomography findings in a case of plexiform ameloblastoma. Quintessence Int. 2009;40(8):627-630.
More C, Tailor M, Patel H, Asrani M, Thakkar K, Adalja C. Radiographic analysis of ameloblastoma: A retrospective study. Indian J Dent Res. 2012;23(5):698. doi:10.4103/0970-9290.107436
Citation: Dias LFT, Vian RLA, Nunes PM, Magalhaes HE, Carmo CSM, et al. Major Considerations on the Clinical, Epidemiological, Histopathological and Therapeutic Aspects of Ameloblastomas: A Systematic Review. Health Sci J 2019;Vol.13.No.3:655.
How to Cite
SAIFUDDIN, Siska Damayanti; PRAMANIK, Farina; FIRMAN, Ria Noerianingsih.
Analisis ameloblastoma unilokuler menggunakan radiograf cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) 3D sebagai penunjang diagnosis.
Jurnal Radiologi Dentomaksilofasial Indonesia (JRDI), [S.l.], v. 3, n. 3, p. 33-37, jan. 2020.
ISSN 2686-1321.
Available at: <>. Date accessed: 14 mar. 2025.
Case Report